Paper Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the Eusipco 2016 Conference Proceedings and for presentation(s).

During the initial paper submission process via EDAS, the authors are required to make sure the pdf file and EDAS registration page of a paper have the same list of authors and the same paper title, that is, please add all authors in EDAS during the submission process. Failure to comply with this rule might result in your paper being withdrawn from the review process. On the other hand, the author list of an accepted paper can NOT be changed in the final manuscript.

All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures, without incurring additional page charges. Papers exceeding 5 pages will not be accepted at EDAS, nor reviewed at all.

When preparing your final manuscript, please pay also attention to the following:

  1. Use the most current version of Microsoft Word, which will help reduce word-to-pdf conversion issues such as embedded fonts, bookmarks, etc
  2. No page numbers and no headers/footers
  3. Use non-zero PDF top and bottom margins (typically, at least 0.5 inches) to help indicate if there are any page numbers.

Authors would use the upload link (file folder icon) at "My papers" on EDAS to upload the Final papers.

Standard IEEE conference templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats are found here.
You can also use the sample template for Microsoft Word: MSW_A4_formatMSW_USltr_format.

Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done through EDAS. Please contact Andrea Conti or Saeid Sanei, the Technical Program Chairs, if you have any questions about submitting your manuscripts.

To submit you paper, please click here PAPER SUBMISSION.

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Last minute updates on the program

The last minute program changes are available

Picture Gallery

The pictures are uploaded to the Gallery


PhD in 3 minutes (3MT)

3MT videos were presented on-site
at 11am on Wednesday 
in the room Levente and Béla,
which is on the 1st floor
at the end of the ballroom foyer.

Videos are available on-line too


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