Poster preparation

The maximum print size of the poster should be the following:

Width: 90 cm - ca 35 inches
Height: 120 cm - ca  47 inches

Presentation preparation

For oral presentations computer and laser pointer will be provided.
If you wish to bring your own computer please take the connection cable with yourself (specially in case of Apple computers).



Camera-ready Papers

This following provides instructions for authors submitting camera-ready papers for publication in the proceedings of EUSIPCO 2016. Any questions rearding the submission of camera-ready papers should be forwarded to the EUSIPCO 2016 Publications Chair.

In order for your paper to be included in the EUSIPCO 2016 proceedings and IEEE Xplore, the following steps should be completed once for each paper:

  1. Update your paper
  2. Verify compliance with formatting requiments for IEEExplore
  3. Submit a copyright form
  4. Upload your paper via EDAS
  5. Register for EUSIPCO 2016


Authors should submit their camera-ready paper and copyright form via EDAS before 17th June 2016.  In addition, at least one author must register at a non-student rate (i.e. full delegate registration) by 30th June.  One registration may cover a maximum of 3 papers.

1. Update your paper

Authors are expected to update their paper in view of any minor changes recommended by the reviewers.  The reviewers' comments will be included in paper acceptance emails will be sent end of  May 2016 and can also be viewed within EDAS.
Please note that the abstract and title should be readable stand-alone and not contain any references or unexplained acronyms. Changes to the title or abstract are allowed in order to comply with these requirements. Changes to the author list are allowed only under exceptional circumstances. All such changes must be approved by the TPC chairs.

2. Verify compliance with formatting requiments for IEEExplore

EUSIPCO 2016 papers willl be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore – the IEEE Digital Library.  Camera-ready PDF files must therefore comply with IEEE Xplore paper specifications.  Failing to submit an IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file may result in the file not being included in the conference proceedings.

Before submitting camera-ready papers, authors are required to verify IEEE Xplore compatibility using the IEEE PDF eXpress.

The IEEE PDF eXpress service can be used to validate compliance and/or to convert papers from a wide range of different formats to IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs. The service is free of charge for EUSIPCO 2016 authors and can be accessed as follows:

First-time users:

Existing users:

  • Follow the above steps using the same password used for previous conferences. Please verify that your contact information is still valid.

3. Submission of copyright form

Authors are required to transfer the copyright for their paper to EURASIP/IEEE. This has to be done electronically via EDAS as follows:

  1. Download the copyright form (pdf and doc) and complete it with your personal information and paper details.
  2. Generate a scanned PDF of the completed copyright form
  3. Log into EDAS and click on the copyright logo (©) to submit the copyright form.

Once this process is completed successfully, EDAS will show the type and date of copyright submission on the paper details page. Help with the IEEE PDF eXpress service is available here.

4. Upload your paper via EDAS

Before uploading your paper please ensure that:

  • the title, abstract and author list and order match exactly that declared in EDAS;
  • all author names match exactly those declared in the corresponding EDAS profile;
  • paper title is in title case;
  • special characters match the EDAS entry (EDAS supports UTF-8 special characters, such as äïöüßîçñé, etc.), and
  • the PDF file is compatible with IEEE Xplore (see details regarding PDF eXpress above).

IEEE Xplore compatible PDFs should then be uploaded to EDAS in the usual way, this time clicking on the 'upload manuscript' icon next to the 'Final manuscript' field within the detailed paper view for your paper.
During upload, EDAS checks whether your paper meets the conference formatting requirements.
In particular, it checks that it:

  • complies with the page limit;
  • there are no headers/footers/page numbers;
  • all fonts are embedded;
  • there are no links, and
  • there are no bookmarks.

We offer the possibility of 1 or 2 pages oversize which has a cost of 100 USD per page. This needs to be paid by credit card when uploading the manuscript.
The information provided in EDAS is used to generate the final conference programme, proceedings and the table of contents for IEEE Xplore.  Authors are therefore invited to check that this information is correct.

Authors experiencing difficulties with the submisison of camera-ready papers can contact the EUSIPCO 2016 Publications Chair.  Please include the paper number in the subject line of all correspondences.

5. Register for EUSIPCO 2016

Registration zone, register here

Pictures on Facebook

If you the page, you will be informed about the next Eusipco

Last minute updates on the program

The last minute program changes are available

Picture Gallery

The pictures are uploaded to the Gallery


PhD in 3 minutes (3MT)

3MT videos were presented on-site
at 11am on Wednesday 
in the room Levente and Béla,
which is on the 1st floor
at the end of the ballroom foyer.

Videos are available on-line too


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