| Technical Program
| Special Sessions
| Tutorials | Co-Located Events | EURASIP |
Last minute changes
| 3MT
| MathWorks workshop
| | | |
Program at a glance
Hours | Mon, Aug. 29 | Tue, Aug. 30 | Wed, Aug. 31 | Thu, Sept. 1 | Fri, Sept. 2 |
08:00 | Registration | Registration | Registration | Registration | Registration |
08:30 | Opening and Award Ceremony | Keynotes Moe Win Asoke K. Nandi | |||
09:00 | Morning tutorials (part I) | Keynote Petar M. Djuric | Keynote Thomas Wiegand | ||
09:30 | Keynote Urbashi Mitra | ||||
10:00 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | ||
10:30 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | 3MT and Technical Sessions | Technical Sessions | Technical Sessions |
11:00 | Morning tutorials (part II) | Technical Sessions | |||
12:30 | Lunch on your own | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
14:00 | Afternoon tutorials (part I) | Technical Sessions | Technical Sessions | Technical Sessions | |
15:30 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | |
16:00 | Afternoon tutorials (part II) | Technical Sessions | Technical Sessions | ||
17:30 | |||||
18:00 | |||||
Welcome Reception 18.30 - 20.00 | |||||
Conference Banquet 19.30 - 22.30 | |||||
Last minute updates
A Software Defined Radio Platform with Raspberry Pi and Simulink
Gianni Pasolini (University of Bologna, Italy); Alessandro Bazzi (CNR, Italy); Flavio Zabini (University of Bologna, Italy); Stefano Olivieri (MathWorks, Italy)
Moved from TueC06: Poster II to ThuB06: Poster VII
Piecewise Linear Regression Based on Adaptive Tree Structure Using Second Order Methods,
Burak Civek (Bilkent University, Turkey); Ibrahim Delibalta (Turk Telecom Labs, Turkey); Suleyman Serdar Kozat (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Moved from FriB06: Poster X to ThuC06 – Poster VIII from 14.00
Adaptive Hierarchical Space Partitioning for Online Classification
Osman Fatih Kilic (Bilkent University, Turkey); Denizcan Vanli (Massachusets Institute of Technology, USA); Hüseyin Özkan (Bilkent University, Turkey); Ibrahim Delibalta (AVEA Labs, Turkey); Suleyman Serdar Kozat (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Moved from FriB04 Machine Laerning II to ThuC06 – Poster VIII from 14.00
Online Churn Detection on High Dimensional Cellular Data using Adaptive Hierarchical Trees
Farhan Khan (Bilkent University & COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Turkey); Ibrahim Delibalta (AVEA Iletisim Hizmetleri A. S. Istanbul, Turkey); Suleyman Serdar Kozat (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Moved from FriB04 Machine Laerning II to ThuD05 – Poster IX from 16.00
Detailed technical program
Monday, August 29
Monday, August 29, 09:00 - 12:30
MonA01: Tutorials (Morning Block)
Sparse Sensing for Statistical Inference
Geert Leus (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Graph Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications to Diffusion Processes
Alejandro Ribeiro (University of Pennsylvania), Antonio G. Marques (King Juan Carlos University), Santiago Segarra (University of Pennsylvania)
Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators for Sparse Data Using Regularization and RMT
Esa Ollila (Aalto University), Frédéric Pascal (CentraleSupelec)
Analysis of Texture and Oriented Patterns in Biomedical Images
Raj Rangayyan (University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta)
Mathematics of Deep Learning
Raja Giryes (Tel Aviv University)
Monday, August 29, 14:00 - 17:30
MonC01: Tutorials (Afternoon Block)
Data Fusion: Benefits of Fully Exploiting Diversity
Tülay Adalı (University of Maryland), Dana Lahat (GIPSA Lab, Grenoble, France), Christian Jutten (GIPSA Lab, Grenoble, France)
Network Localization and Navigation: from Theory to Practice
Moe Z. Win (LIDS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Andrea Conti (ENDIF, University of Ferrara, Italy)
High Dynamic Range Video
Erik Reinhard (Technicolor R&I), Giuseppe Valenzise (CNRS / Télécom ParisTech), Frédéric Dufaux (CNRS / Télécom ParisTech)
Rethinking Fourier Acoustics
Augusto Sarti (DEIB - Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Fabio Antonacci (DEIB - Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Lucio Bianchi (DEIB - Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Energy-Neutral System-Level Analysis and Optimization of 5G Wireless Networks
Alessio Zappone (Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany), Marco Di Renzo (Paris-Saclay University), Eduard Jorswieck (Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany)
Monday, August 29, 18:30 - 20:00
MonE1: Welcome Reception
Room: Ballroom
Registered participants of the conference are welcome to take part at the Welcome Reception that will be held at the conference venue. The reception is included in the registration fee, extra ticket for non registered participants can be purchased on-site upon availability.
Tuesday, August 30
Tuesday, August 30, 08:30 - 09:30
TueA01: Opening and Award Ceremony
Room: Ballroom
Official opening ceremony of the 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'16) and awarding of the most ground breaking contributions.
Tuesday, August 30, 09:30 - 10:30
TueA02: Plenary Talk
Room: Ballroom
Biological Communication Networks: A First Step in Modeling and Analysis
Professor Urbashi Mitra
University of Southern California, USA
Tuesday, August 30, 11:00 - 12:30
TueB01: Advances on Linear-in-the-Parameters Nonlinear Filters and Their Application to Audio and Speech Processing - I
- Kernel Adaptive Filtering Subject to Equality Function Constraints
- A low-complexity RLS-DCD algorithm for Volterra system identification
- Integrated Direct Sub-band Adaptive Volterra Filter and Its Application to Identification of Loudspeaker Nonlinearity
- Design of Dynamic Linear-in-the-Parameters Nonlinear Filters for Active Noise Control
- Extension of Generalized Hammerstein Model to Non-Polynomial Inputs
TueB02: Bio-Inspired Signal Processing
- A Mathematical Analysis of the Genetic-AIRS Classification Algorithm
- Are we ready for the cocktail party?
- 40-Hz ASSR depth of anaesthesia index
- Tabu Search Vs Bio-inspired Algorithms for Antenna Selection in Spatially Correlated Massive MIMO Uplink Channels
- Learning Directed-Acyclic-Graphs from Large-Scale Double-Knockout Experiments
TueB03: Compressive Sensing Applications
- Compressive Data Aggregation on Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks for Sensing in Bike Races
- Making Sense of Randomness: Fast Signal Recovery from Compressive Samples
- Robust Non-Negative Least Squares Using Sparsity
- Multidimensional Sparse Recovery for MIMO Channel Parameter Estimation
- Enhanced Iterative Hard Thresholding for the Estimation of Discrete-Valued Sparse Signals
TueB04: Image and Video Processing - I
- Automatic estimation of the noise level function for adaptive blind denoising
- Distributed Parallel Image Signal Extrapolation Framework using Message Passing Interface
- Restoration of Intensity and Depth images Constructed Using Sparse Single-Photon Data
- Sub-pixel Shift Estimation of Image based on the Least Squares Approximation in Phase Region
- Graph-regularized Multi-class Support Vector Machines for Face and Action Recognition
TueB05: Multimedia Signal Processing
- Analyzing Notch Patterns of Head Related Transfer Functions in CIPIC and SYMARE Databases
- Multiple Description Vector Quantizer Design Based on Redundant Representation of Central Code
- Two Multimodal Approaches for Single Microphone Source Separation
- A comparative study of representations for folk dances recognition in video
- Managed Video Services over Multi-Domain Software Defined Networks
TueB06: Poster I
- Duplexer Design and Implementation for Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex Communications
- Random Sampling via Sensor Networks: Estimation Accuracy vs. Energy Consumption
- Feature Selection and Model Optimization for Semi-supervised Speaker Spotting
- Passive Detection of Rank-One Signals with a Multiantenna Reference Channel
- Sparse sliding-window RLS adaptive filter with dynamic regularization
- Renormalized maximum likelihood for multivariate autoregressive models
- Empirical Mode Decomposition in a Time-Scale Framework
- On Cyclic Spectrum Estimation with Estimated Cycle Frequency
- Amplitude Adaptive ASDM without Envelope Encoding
- A Unified Approach for Sparsity-Aware and Maximum Correntropy Adaptive Filters
- Online EM-based distributed estimation in sensor networks with faulty nodes
- Peak-Error-Constrained Sparse FIR Filter Design Using Iterative L1 Optimization
- Sequential Low Rank Representation For Blood Glucose Measurements
- Fast and accurate cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks
- Impact of Noise Correlation on Multimodality
- Separable Autoregressive Moving Average Graph-Temporal Filters
- Evaluating dissimilarities between two moving-average models: a comparative study between Jeffrey's divergence and Rao distance
- Approximate Joint Diagonalization within the Riemannian Geometry Framework
- Randomized methods for higher-order subspace separation
- An Unsupervised Approach to Glottal Inverse Filtering
- Optimal Transmission Policies for Variance Based Event Triggered Estimation With an Energy Harvesting Sensor
- SIGIBE: Solving Random Bilinear Equations via Gradient Descent with Spectral Initialization
- Improving Secrecy Rate via Cooperative Jamming based on Nash Equilibrium
Tuesday, August 30, 14:00 - 15:30
TueC01: Unraveling Brain Networks from Functional Neuroimaging Data
- Fusion of electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore epileptic network activity
- Classification of fMRI data using Dynamic Time Warping based functional connectivity analysis
- Impact of perceptual learning on resting-state fMRI connectivity: A supervised classification study
- Seizure onset zone localization from many invasive EEG channels using directed functional connectivity
- Total-activation regularized deconvolution of resting-state fMRI leads to reproducible networks with spatial overlap
TueC02: Trends and New Challenges in Calibration of Phased Array in Radio-Astronomy
- Fine tuning consensus optimization for distributed radio interferometric calibration
- Blind Calibration of Phased Arrays Using Sparsity Constraints on the Signal Model
- Calibration of Radio Interferometers Using a Sparse DOA Estimation Framework
- Relaxed concentrated MLE for robust calibration of radio interferometers
- Impact of array calibration on RFI mitigation
TueC03: Towards Next Generation Ultra-high-throughput Copper Technology
- Sensitivity of Nonlinear Precoding to Imperfect Channel State Information in
- Bi-directional Beamforming Bit Error Rate Analysis for Wireline Backhaul Networks
- Gigabit DSL: a Deep-LMS Approach
- Derivative Based Real-Time Spectrum Coordination for DSL
- A fast converging method for Common Mode Sensor based Impulse Noise Cancellation for Downstream VDSL
TueC04: Structured Low-Rank Matrix Approximation and Completion Problems in Signal Processing
- Kronecker Covariance Sketching for Spatial-Temporal Data
- Optimal choice of Hankel-block-Hankel matrix shape in 2-D parameter estimation: the rank-one case
- On a fixed-point algorithm for structured low-rank approximation and estimation of half-life parameters
- Solving Physics-driven Inverse Problems via Structured Least Squares
- Convex Super-Resolution Detection of Lines in Images
TueC05: Sparsity-Based Techniques for Microwave Imaging
- Iterative Least Squares Algorithm for Inverse Problem in Microwave Medical Imaging
- Electromagnetic retrieval of missing fibers in periodic fibered laminates via sparsity concepts
- Sparsity-Enforced Microwave Inverse Scattering using Soft Shrinkage Thresholding
- Sparse Microwave Breast Imaging with Differently Polarized Arrays
TueC06: Poster II
- Minimum Measurement Deterministic Compressed Sensing based on Complex Reed Solomon Decoding
- Robust Compressive Shift Retrieval in Linear Time
- Regularized Low Coherence Overcomplete Dictionary Learning for Sparse Signal Decomposition
- Speech emotion recognition using kernel sparse representation based classifier
- Recovery Guarantees for Mixed Norm $\ell_{p_1,p_2}$ Block Sparse Representations
- Video Selection for Visual Sensor Networks: a Motion-Based Ranking Algorithm
- A Low-rank and Joint-Sparsity Model for Hyper-Spectral Radio-Interferometric Imaging
- Robust Scoring of Voice Exercises in Computer-Based Speech Therapy Systems
- A Software Defined Radio Platform with Raspberry Pi and Simulink
- Penalized Linear Regression for Discrete Ill-posed Problems: A Hybrid Least-Squares and Mean-Squared Error Approach
- Robust and Rapid Estimation of the Parameters of Harmonic Signals in Three Phase Power Systems
- Optimal Information Ordering for Sequential Detection with Cognitive Biases
- Optimal Quantization of TV White Space Regions for a Broadcast Based Geolocation Database
- High Rate Quantization Analysis for a Class of Finite Rate of Innovation Signals
- On the Existence of the Band-Limited Interpolation of Non-Band-Limited Signals
- Positive Trigonometric Polynomials and One-Dimensional Discrete Phase Retrieval Problem
- Multiplicative update for a class of constrained optimization problems related to NMF and its global convergence
- Bayesian Unscented Kalman Filter for State Estimation of Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Systems
- In-Network Adaptive Cluster Enumeration for Distributed Classification and Labeling
- On Poisson Compressed Sensing and Parameter Estimation in Sheet-of-Light Surface Scanning
- Measurement Matrix Design for Compressed Sensing Based Time Delay Estimation
- Adapt-Align-Combine for Diffusion-Based Distributed Dictionary Learning
- On Quantized Compressed Sensing with Saturated Measurements via Convex Optimization
- Quasi-Sparsest Solutions for Quantized Compressed Sensing by Graduated-Non-Convexity Based Reweighted $\ell_1$ Minimization
Tuesday, August 30, 16:00 - 18:00
TueD01: Reliable and Secure Quantum Communications
- Diversity Extraction for Multicarrier Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution
- Optimal Wavelength Allocation in Hybrid Quantum-Classical Networks
- Second Generation QKD System over Commercial Fibers
- Improved Quantum LDPC Decoding Strategies for the Misidentified Quantum Depolarization Channel
- Performance Evaluation of Scalar Reconciliation for Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution
- Fast Disentanglement-based Blind Quantum Source Separation and Process Tomography Using a Feedforward Quantum-classical Adapting Structure
TueD02: Advanced Statistical Models and Methods for Image Processing
- Fully Automatic Detection of Anomalies on Wheels Surface Using an Adaptive Accurate Model and Hypothesis Testing Theory
- Joint spectral clustering and range estimation for 3D scene reconstruction using multispectral Lidar waveforms
- Statistical models for SAR amplitude data: a unified vision through Mellin transform and Meijer functions
- Bayesian Image Segmentation Using Hidden Fields: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Formulations
- Comparing Bayesian models in the absence of ground truth
- Robust Adaptive Detection of Buried Pipes using GPR
TueD03: Recent Advances in Medical Image Restoration
- MRI Reconstruction with Analysis Sparse Regularization under Impulsive Noise
- Image Deconvolution by Local Order Preservation of Pixels Values
- Canonical polyadic decomposition for tissue type differentiation using multi-parametric MRI in high-grade gliomas
- Sparse regularization methods in ultrafast ultrasound imaging
- Ultrasound image reconstruction from compressed measurements using approximate message passing
- Compressed Sensing in MRI with a Markov Random Field prior for spatial clustering of subband coefficients
TueD04: Signal Processing and Communications for Sensor Networks Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer
- Decentralized Detection in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
- Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation under Energy Harvesting Constraints
- Sensing Throughput Optimization in Cognitive Fading Multiple Access Channels With Energy Harvesting Secondary Transmitters
- Decentralized Sparsity-Promoting Sensor Selection in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks
- Energy Harvesting Cooperative Multiple Access Channel with Decoding Costs
- Transmission Policies in Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Energy Cooperation
TueD05: Audio and Acousic Signal Processing
- Generalized Constraints for NMF with Application to Informed Source Separation
- Multiple Source Localization in the Spherical Harmonic Domain using Augmented Intensity Vectors based on Grid Search
- 3WRBM-Based Speech Factor Modeling for Arbitrary-Source and Non-Parallel Voice Conversion
- Development and evaluation of a digital MEMS microphone array for spatial audio
- TDOA-based Self-Calibration of Dual-Microphone Arrays
- DOA estimation in front of a reflective plane using a circular microphone array
TueD06: Poster III
- DSP Based OFDM Receiver for Time-varying Underwater Acoustic Channels
- New Evaluation Scheme for Software Function Approximation with Non-Uniform Segmentation
- Optimization of Parallel Processing Intensive Digital Front-End for IEEE 802.11ac Receiver
- Energy Consumption Analysis of Software Polar Decoders on Low Power Processors
- FPGA Implementation of a Cyclostationary Detector for OFDM Signals
- Investigations into Bluetooth Low Energy Localization Precision Limits
- Low complexity FRI based Sampling Scheme for UWB Channel Estimation
- Automatic Objective Thresholding to Detect Neuronal Action Potentials
- Mining the Bilinear Structure of Data with Approximate Joint Diagonalization
- On High-Accuracy Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis Using Linear Function Approximation
- Nuclear Norm Regularized Robust Dictionary Learning for Energy Disaggregation
- A New Approach for Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing and Modelling for Signals From Gel Electrophoresis
- The Data-centre Whisperer: Relative Attribute Usage Estimation for Cloud Servers
- Localization of radar emitters from a single sensor using multipath and TDOA-AOA measurements in a naval context
- Modified Tone Reservation for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems
- Maximum likelihood estimation of a low-order building model
- Brain and Music: Music Genre Classification using Brain Signals
- Joint I/Q Mixer and Filter Imbalance Compensation and Channel Equalization with Novel Preamble Design
- Cross-Correlation Based Under-Modelled Multichannel Blind Acoustic System Identification with Sparsity Regularization
- Variational Bayesian Image Reconstruction with an Uncertainty Model for Measurement Localization
- Two distributed algorithms for the deconvolution of large radio-interferometric multispectral images
Wednesday, August 31
Wednesday, August 31, 08:30 - 09:15
WedA01: Plenary Talk
Network Localization and Navigation: Signal Processing Opportunities
Room: Ballroom
Professor Moe Win
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Wednesday, August 31, 09:15 - 10:00
WedA02: Plenary Talk
Consensus Clustering Paradigms
Room: Ballroom
Professor Asoke K. Nandi
Brunel University London, UK
Wednesday, August 31, 11:00 - 11:15
3MT Competition Final
Room: Levente and Béla (which are on the 1st floor at the end of the ballroom foyer)
Wednesday, August 31, 10:30 - 12:30
WedB01: Network Localization
- Bandwidth Dependence of the Ranging Error Variance in Dense Multipath
- Device-free Localization of Multiple Targets
- Exact Analysis of Weighted Centroid Localization
- On the Utilization of MIMO-OFDM Channel Sparsity for Accurate Positioning
- Multipath Components Tracking Adapted to Integrated IR-UWB Receivers for Improved Indoor Navigation
- Location Information Driven Formation Control for Swarm Return-to-Base Application
WedB02: Recent Advances in Full-Duplex Radio - Advanced Signal Processing, Systems and Networks
- On the Potential of Full Duplex Performance in 5G Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks
- Mode Selection in Multi-user Full-Duplex Systems Considering Inter-user Interference
- Robust Resource Allocation for Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Systems
- Uplink and Downlink Rate Analysis of a Full-Duplex C-RAN with Radio Remote Head Association
- Digitally-Controlled RF Self-Interference Canceller for Full-Duplex Radios
- Interference Cancellation Architecture for Full-Duplex System with GFDM Signaling
WedB03: Wireless Energy Harvesting
- Secrecy Outage Probability of Wirelessly Powered Wiretap Channels
- Sum Rate Maximization for Full Duplex Wireless-Powered Communication Networks
- Secure Wireless Communications with Relay Selection and Wireless Powered Transfer
- Blockage Effects on Joint Information & Energy Transfer in Directional Ad-Hoc Networks
- Accumulate then Forward: An Opportunistic Relaying Protocol for Wireless-Powered Cooperative Communications
- On Secrecy Outage of MISO SWIPT Systems in the Presence of Imperfect CSI
WedB04: Signal Processing in Enhancing 5G Wireless Spectrum Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and QoE
- On the Use of Channel Models and Channel Estimation Techniques for Massive MIMO Systems
- On Wireless Power Transfer in Two-Tier Massive MIMO HetNets: Energy and Rate Analysis
- Hybrid MU-MIMO and Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Design in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks
- A Novel Angular Parameters Estimator for Incoherently Distributed Sources
- A Robust Resource Allocation Algorithm for Packet BIC-UFMC 5G Wireless Communications
- A Novel Block-shifted Pilot Design for Multipair Massive MIMO Relaying
WedB05: Speech Processing - I
- Noise-adaptive perceptual weighting in the AMR-WB encoder for increased speech loudness in adverse far-end noise conditions
- Independent Vector Analysis for source separation using an energy driven mixed Student's t and super Gaussian Source prior
- High Quality Voice Conversion by Post-Filtering the Outputs of Gaussian Processes
- Copy synthesis of phrase-level utterances
- Unsupervised Learning of Temporal Receptive Fields Using Convolutional RBM For ASR Task
- Text-informed speech inpainting via voice conversion
WedB06: Poster IV
- Active Noise Control for Pulse Signals by Wave Field Synthesis
- Automatic Tuning of Probe Noise for Continuous Acoustic Feedback Cancelation in Hearing Aids
- On plenoptic sub-aperture view recovery
- Impact of Light Field Compression on Focus Stack and Extended Focus Images
- 3D point cloud segmentation oriented to the analysis of interactions
- Torso Orientation: A New Clue for Occlusion-Aware Human Pose Estimation
- Eliminating blocking artifacts in halftoning-based block truncation coding
- Pandora: Description of a Painting Database for Art Movement Recognition with Baselines and Perspectives
- Motion Hints Compensated Prediction as a Reference Frame for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
- Rare Signals Detection in Nonwhite Noise Environment Based on Multidimensional Signal Subspace for Hyperspectral Image
- A Fixed-Point Local Tone Mapping Operation for HDR Images
- Blind Rectification of Radial Distortion by Line Straightness
- Puma: A High-Quality Retinex-Based Tone Mapping Operator
- Sequential image completion for high-speed large-pixel number sensing
- Towards Overflow/Underflow Free PEE Reversible Watermarking
- Physical Layer Security: Friendly Jamming in an Untrusted Relay Scenario
- On Exploiting Co-Channel Interference to Improve Secret Communications Over a Wiretap Channel
- Secure Identification Based on Fuzzy Commitment Scheme for JPEG XR Images
- Optimal Attack and Defence of Large Scale Networks Using Mean Field Theory
- Guitar note onset detection based on a spectral sparsity measure
- Multi-Pitch Estimation of Audio Recordings Using a Codebook-Based Approach
- Online Acoustic Scene Analysis Based on Nonparametric Bayesian Model
- Unsupervised feature learning for Music Structural Analysis
Wednesday, August 31, 14:00 - 15:30
WedC01: Signal Processing for Moving Microphone Arrays
- Analysis of distortion in audio signals introduced by microphone motion
- Speaker Localization with Moving Microphone Arrays
- Localization of Moving Microphone Arrays from Moving Sound Sources for Robot Audition
- A One-step-ahead Information-based Feedback Control for Binaural Active Localization
- Variational Bayesian Multi-channel Robust NMF for Human-voice Enhancement with a Deformable and Partially-occluded Microphone Array
WedC02: Musical Instrument and Virtual Analog Modeling
- Simulation of Distributed Contact in String Instruments: a Modal Expansion Approach
- A k-d Tree Based Solution Cache for the Non-linear Equation of Circuit Simulations
- Wave Digital Filter Modeling of Circuits with Operational Amplifiers
- Dynamic Adaptation of Instantaneous Nonlinear Bipoles in Wave Digital Networks
- Antialiased Soft Clipping Using an Integrated Bandlimited Ramp
WedC03: GNSS Signals Processing and Applications
- Post-correlation Signal Analysis to Detect Spoofing Attacks in GNSS Receivers
- Small Cycle Slip Detection using Singular Spectrum Analysis
- Testing General Relativity Using Galileo Satellite Signals
- Real-Time Kinematic Positioning with GPS and Glonass
- Weighted Shooting Method for High-Resolution DOA Estimation Based on Sparse Spectrum Fitting
WedC04: Fast and Embedded Convex Optimization for Signal Processing
- Computational Analysis of a Fast Algorithm for High-order Sparse Linear Prediction
- Accelerated reconstruction of a compressively sampled data stream
- On the duality of globally constrained separable problems and its application to distributed signal processing
- Ad Hoc Microphone Array Beamforming Using the Primal-Dual Method of Multipliers
- Multi-Pitch Estimation via Fast Group Sparse Learning
WedC05: Big Media Data Analysis
- Towards Dynamic Classification Completeness in Twitter
- Self-Organizing Binary Encoding for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
- 3D Reconstruction Quality Analysis and Its Acceleration on GPU Clusters
- A review of approximate methods for kernel-based Big Media Data Analysis
- Digital Music Lab: A Framework for Analysing Big Music Data
WedC06: Poster V
- Joint estimation of late reverberant and speech power spectral densities in noisy environments using Frobenius norm
- TUT Database for Acoustic Scene Classification and Sound Event Detection
- Greek Folk Music Classification Using Auditory Cortical Representations
- Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Dual-Itakura-Saito and Kullback-Leibler Divergences for Music Transcription
- Music Signal Separation Using Supervised NMF with All-Pole-Model-Based Discriminative Basis Deformation
- Envelope analysis methods for tonality estimation
- Complex Angular Central Gaussian Mixture Model for Directional Statistics in Mask-based Microphone Array Signal Processing
- Audio Affect Burst Synthesis: A Multilevel Synthesis System for Emotional Expressions
- Classification of HEp-2 Cells Using Distributed Dictionary Learning
- Secure Beamforming and Artificial Noise Design for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Interference Networks
- Improving Physical Layer Security in DF Relay Networks Via Two-Stage Cooperative Jamming
- Reversible Watermarking Based on Complementary Predictors and Context Embedding
- Camera Model Identification Based Machine Learning Approach with High Order Statistics Features
- Estimation of the Spatial Information in Gaussian Model based Audio Source Separation using Weighted Spectral Bases
- Active speech level estimation in noisy signals with quadrature noise suppression
- Median Filtering the Temporal Probability Distribution in Histogram Mapping for Robust Continuous Speech Recognition
- Phase-Processing For Voice Activity Detection: A Statistical Approach
- Spoofing Attacks to I-vector Based Voice Verification Systems Using Statistical Speech Synthesis with Additive Noise and Countermeasure
- Unsupervised Singing Voice Detection Using Dictionary Learning
- 2D Direction of Arrival Estimation of Multiple Moving Sources using a Spherical Microphone Array
- ParSec: A PSSS Approach to Industrial Radio with Very Low and Very Flexible Cycle Timing
- Bayesian Cramer-Rao bounds for factorized model based low rank matrix reconstruction
- Spatial and Time diversities for Canonical Correlation Significance Test in Spectrum Sensing
- Compositional chroma estimation using powered Euclidean Distance
Wednesday, August 31, 16:00 - 18:00
WedD01: Bayesian Methods for Signal Processing
- Outlier-insensitive Kalman Smoothing and Marginal Message Passing
- Sampling approach to sparse approximation problem:determining degrees of freedom by simulated annealing
- Online Prediction of Spatial Fields for Radio-Frequency Communication
- Rectified Binaural Ratio: A Complex T-Distributed Feature for Robust Sound Localization
- An Approximate Message Passing Based Algorithm for Robust Face Recognition
- Mean Field Analysis of Sparse Reconstruction with Correlated Variables
WedD02: Image and Video Processing - II
- Region-Based Image Retrieval Using a Joint Scalable Bayesian Segmentation and Feature Extraction
- Image Retrieval under Very Noisy Annotations
- Self-adaptive ground calibration in binocular Surveillance system
- Video Semantic Indexing using Object Detection-Derived Features
- Sequential Stack Decoder for Multichannel Image Restoration
- Real-time UHD Scalable multi-layer HEVC encoder architecture
WedD03: Medical Image and Signal Processing - I
- Robust Reconstruction for CS-Based Fetal Beats Detection
- Coupled Tensor Decomposition: a Step Towards Robust Components
- Automatic Detection of Laser Marks in Retinal Digital Fundus Images
- On the optimal reconstruction of dMRI images with multi-coil acquisition system
- Source Imaging of Simple Finger Movements Captured During Auditory Response Tasks
- Multivariate Classification of Fourier Transform Infrared Hyperspectral Images of Skin Cancer Cells
WedD04: Speech Processing - II
- Real-Time Vibration Control of An Electrolarynx based on Statistical F0 Contour Prediction
- Modeling Unvoiced Sounds In Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis with a Continuous Vocoder
- Robust Phonetic Segmentation Using Multi-taper Spectral Estimation for noisy and clipped speech
- Continuous Fundamental Frequency Prediction with Deep Neural Networks
- High spatiotemporal cineMRI films using compressed sensing for acquiring articulatory data
- Semi-non-intrusive objective intelligibility measure using spatial filtering in hearing aids
WedD05: Poster VI
- On the Spatial Degrees of Freedom Benefits of Reverse TDD in Multicell MIMO Networks
- Localization of a Moving Rigid Sensor Network
- Closed-form solution for TDOA-based joint source and sensor localization in two-dimensional space
- Fast Unit-modulus Least Squares with Applications in Transmit Beamforming
- Massive Overloaded MIMO Signal Detection via Convex Optimization with Proximal Splitting
- Coordinated Multicell Beamforming with Local and Global Data Rate Constraints
- A Separation Principle for Optimal IaaS Cloud Computing Distribution
- Two and Three Inputs Widely Linear FRESH Receivers for Cancellation of a Quasi-Rectilinear Interference with Frequency Offset
- Adaptive Completion of the Correlation Matrix in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Enhancement of Incipient Fault Detection and Estimation Using the Multivariate Kullback-Leibler Divergence
- Detection of Modern Communication Signals Using Frequency Domain Morphological Filtering
- Real-time incident detection: An approach for two interdependent time series
- Demand Response for Renewable Energy Integration and Load Balancing in Smart Grid Communities
- Power Spectral Density Limitations of the Wavelet-OFDM System
- Signal processing techniques for on-line partial discharge detection and classification
- HEAL-T: An Efficient PPG-based Heart-Rate and IBI Estimation Method During Physical Exercise
- Features selection for analyzing the effect of preparation instruction on forearm muscles during pre-motor activity
- A Randomised Primal-Dual Algorithm for Distributed Radio-Interferometric Imaging
- Reverberation Time Estimation based on a Model for the Power Spectral Density of Reverberant Speech
- Reflector Localization based on Multiple Reflection Points
- Binaural Source Localization using a HRTF Data Model with Enhanced Frequency Diversity
- Improving narrowband DOA estimation of sound sources using the complex Watson distribution
- 3D localization of multiple audio sources utilizing 2D DOA histograms
- Autoregressive Moving Average Modeling of Late Reverberation in the Frequency Domain
- Distributed multi-frequency image reconstruction for radio-interferometry
Real World Desktop Software Defined Radio using the RTL-SDR and MATLAB/Simulink
Wednesday, August 31, 16:00 - 18:00
Room: Mathias
Stefano Olivieri, MathWorks
One of the main goals of engineering education is to teach students how to deal with real-word problems. When developing their curricula, professors need to determine the right balancing between interesting and challenging topics so that students are encouraged to put into practice the theoretical concepts they have already learned.
This workshop aims to address such growing need for hands-on and project-based learning, by describing the built-in support for modelling, simulating and validating Simulink models for wireless communication systems.
We will present the fundamental principles behind the design of a generic PHY layer software defined radio (SDR) and demonstrate the first principles implementation, design and real time operation of an SDR using off-the-air signal live in the tutorial. We will use the ~$20 RTL-SDR USB device and build a first SDR implemented AM and then FM radio receiver, followed by implementations and demonstrations of digital QAM receivers. We will view all signals and build all components and designs from first principles DSP theory using MATLAB/Simulink and run real time on a standard Windows PC hosting MATLAB and drivers for the RTL-SDR.
Wednesday, August 31, 19:30 - 22:30
WedE1: Conference Banquet
All participants of the conference are kindly invited to the Conference Dinner. The dinner will take place on Európa Boat.
The ship is the biggest and most equipped fluvial event venue not only in Hungary but in Central Europe. You can enjoy the wonderful view of the Danube from the huge terrace of Európa Ship. It will give you an impressive experience as you can see Budapest in a more beautiful way than from anywhere else in the city.
Booking can be made along with the registration.
Thursday, September 1
Thursday, September 1, 09:00 - 10:00
ThuA01: Plenary Talk
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods - Recent Advances
Room: Ballroom
Professor Petar M. Djuric
Stony Brook University, USA
Thursday, September 1, 10:30 - 12:30
ThuB01: Inference and Learning over Networks
- Distributed Adaptive Filtering With Reduced Communication Load
- Graph Laplacian Distributed Particle Filtering
- Diffusion Spline Adaptive Filtering
- Detection over Diffusion Networks: Asymptotic Tools for Performance Prediction and Simulation
- Bayesian estimation of unknown parameters over networks
- Toward privacy-preserving diffusion strategies for adaptation and learning over networks
ThuB02: Estimation Theory and Applications
- Bayesian estimation for the local assessment of the multifractality parameter of multivariate time series
- A Simple Counting Estimator of Network Agents' Behaviors: Asymptotics
- Determining the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets for small sample support
- Improved Resolution of Chromatographic Peak Analysis using Multi-Snapshot Imaging
- Inexact Alternating Optimization for Phase Retrieval with Outliers
- Bayesian estimation of polynomial moving average models with unknown degree of nonlinearity
ThuB03: Image and Video Processing - III
- Multi-scale Image Denoising based on Goodness of Fit (GOF) Tests
- Least Squares Image Estimation in the Presence of Drift and Pixel Noise
- Data Compression for Snapshot Mosaic Hyperspectral Image Sensors
- Compressed Sensing Super Resolution of Color Images
- Classification of Hyperspectral Images using Mixture of Probabilistic PCA Models
- A DCT-based multiscale binary descriptor robust to complex brightness changes
ThuB04: Nonlinear Signal Processing
- A Better Metric in Kernel Adaptive Filtering
- Nonlinear Blind Source Separation for Sparse Sources
- Distributed Kernel Least Squares for Nonlinear Regression applied to Sensor Networks
- Boosted LMS-based Piecewise Linear Adaptive Filters
- Joint EEG - EMG Signal Processing for Identification of the Mental Tasks in Patients with Neurological Diseases
- Newton-like Nonlinear Adaptive Filters via Simple Multilinear Functionals
ThuB05: Sensor Array, Multichannel and Communications signal Processing
- Spectrum Sensing Using Energy Detectors with Performance Computation Capabilities
- A Dual-Function MIMO Radar-Communications System Using PSK Modulation
- Self-Backhauling Full-Duplex Access Node with Massive Antenna Arrays: Power Allocation and Achievable Sum-Rate
- Memory Error Resilient Detection for Massive MIMO Systems
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Blind Extraction of the Sparsest Source in Convolutive Mixtures
- Memory and Complexity Reduction in Parahermitian Matrix Manipulations of PEVD Algorithms
ThuB06: Poster VII
- Comparison of Continuous Measurement Techniques for Spatial Room Impulse Responses
- A generalized binaural MVDR beamformer with interferer relative transfer function preservation
- Reverberation-robust underdetermined source separation with non-negative tensor double deconvolution
- Grid Size Selection for Nonlinear Least-Squares Optimization in Spectral Estimation and Array Processing
- Efficient Relative Transfer Function Estimation Framework in the Spherical Harmonics Domain
- Frequency-Domain Blind Speech Separation Using Incomplete De-Mixing Transform
- Horizontal Plane HRTF Interpolation using Linear Phase Constraint for Rendering Spatial Audio
- Capturing and Reproduction of a Crowded Sound Scene Using a Circular Microphone Array
- Compressive Sensing Based Energy Detector
- SAR Imaging Using the Sparse Fourier Transform
- Optic Cup Characterization through Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning
- Super-resolution/Segmentation of 2D Trabecular Bone Images by a Mumford-Shah approach and comparison to Total Variation
- Multi-level tomography reconstructions with level-set and TV regularization methods
- Semi-Automatic Detection of Calcified Plaque in Coronary CT Angiograms with 320-MSCT
- An Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Regularization for Perfusion MRI Deconvolution in Acute Stroke
- Detection of sEMG Muscle Activation Intervals Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Ant Colony Classifier
- Adaptive quadratic regularization for baseline wandering removal in wearable ECG devices
- Characterizing Parkinson's desease using EMG fractional linear prediction
- High Throughput Architecture for Inpainting-Based Recovery of Correlated Neural Signals
- Human expert supervised selection of time-frequency intervals in EEG signals for brain-computer interfacing
- Implementation of Efficient Real-Time Industrial Wireless Interference Identification Algorithms with Fuzzified Neural Networks
Thursday, September 1, 14:00 - 15:30
ThuC01: Audio Source Separation and Evaluation
- An Experimental Approach to Generalized Wiener Filtering in Music Source Separation
- Multichannel music separation with deep neural networks
- Underdetermined Source Separation using a sparse STFT framework and Weighted Laplacian Directional Modelling
- Evaluation of Quality of Sound Source Separation Algorithms: Human Perception vs Quantitative Metrics
- Evaluation of Audio Source Separation Models Using Hypothesis-Driven Non-Parametric Statistical Methods
ThuC02: Advances on Linear-in-the-Parameters Nonlinear Filters and Their Application to Audio and Speech Processing - II
- A Split Kernel Adaptive Filtering Architecture for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- Combination of filtered-x adaptive filters for nonlinear listening-room compensation
- A Novel Reduced-Rank Approach for Implementing Volterra Filters
- Efficient Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation by Partitioned-Block Significance-Aware Hammerstein Group Models
- Perfect Periodic Sequences for Nonlinear Wiener Filters
ThuC03: Advanced Optimization Methods for Online Signal Processing
- Online Dual Coordinate Ascent Learning
- A Simple Set-Membership Affine Projection Algorithm for Sparse System Modeling
- A Family of Optimized LMS-Based Algorithms for System Identification
- Online Dictionary Learning from Large-Scale Binary data
- Stochastic Forward-Backward and primal-dual approximation algorithms with application to online image restoration
ThuC04: Cooperative Networking
- UAV Routing Protocol for Crop health Management
- Offloading to Neighbouring Nodes in Smart Camera Network
- Outage Probability of an AF Full-Duplex Physical-Layer Network Coding System
- Power control with partial observation in wireless ad hoc networks
- Opportunistic Interference Alignment Approach in Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks
ThuC05: Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
- Active Noise Cancellation in Headphones by Digital Robust Feedback Control
- Analysis of the Quantization Error in Digital Multipliers with Small Wordlength
- A New Area-efficient FIR Filter Design Algorithm by Dynamic Programming
- Rapid Digital Architecture Design of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
- Resource-Constrained Implementation and Optimization of a Deep Neural Network for Vehicle Classification
ThuC06: Poster VIII
- Penalizing local correlations in the residual improves image denoising performance
- Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Fisheye Video Sequences Using Subpixel Motion Estimation Based on Calibrated Re-Projection
- Automatic Selection of Stochastic Watershed Hierarchies
- Lipreading Using Spatiotemporal Histogram of Oriented Gradients
- Deep Action Classification via Matrix Completion
- Performance Evaluation of High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping Operators Based on Separable Non-linear Multiresolution Families
- An efficient image retrieval method under dithered-based quantization scheme
- The CNN News Footage Datasets: Enabling Supervision in Image Retrieval
- Evaluation of Graph Metrics for Optimizing Bin-Based Ontologically Smoothed Language Models
- Speaker-Aware Long Short-Term Memory Multi-Task Learning for Speech Recognition
- Estimation of DOA and Phase Error Using a Partly Calibrated Sensor Array with Arbitrary Geometry
- Decentralized Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Arbitrary Array Geometries
- Off-grid target detection with normalized matched subspace filter
- Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Cramer-Rao Bound for Multi-Carrier MIMO Radar
- Radar Target Recognition via 2-D Sparse Linear Prediction In Missing Data Case
- On The Impact of Signals Time-Frequency Sparsity on the Localization Performance
- Rhythm Transcription of MIDI Performances Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of Repetition and Modification of Musical Note Patterns
- Multi-class learning algorithm for deep neural network-based statistical parametric speech synthesis
- Single-Channel Noise Reduction in the STFT Domain from the Fullband Output SNR Perspective
- Multiple Layer Model for Object Detection and Sketch Representation
- Efficient Eye Corner and Gaze Detection for Sclera Recognition Under Relaxed Imaging Constraints
- Error Robust Low Delay Audio Coding Using Spherical Logarithmic Quantization
Thursday, September 1, 16:00 - 18:00
ThuD01: Evaluating Wireless Communications in 3 Dimensions
- Angle of arrival estimation in dynamic indoor THz channels with Bayesian filter and reinforcement learning
- 3D v.s. 2D Channel Capacity of Outdoor to Indoor Scenarios Derived from Measurements in China and New Zealand
- Full Dimension MIMO for Frequency Division Duplex under Signaling and Feedback Constraints
- Robust 3D MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation with Hybrid Analog-Digital Architecture
- Evaluating the Spatial Resolution of 2D Antenna Arrays for Massive MIMO Transmissions
- Two-layer Precoding for Dimensionality Reduction in Massive MIMO
ThuD02: Machine Learning - I
- Impact of noisy annotators' reliability in a crowdsourcing system performance
- Effects of Matrix Completion on the Classification of Undersampled Human Activity Data Streams
- A Tensor-Based Method for Large-Scale Blind System Identification Using Segmentation
- Hyperspectral image clustering using a novel efficient online possibilistic algorithm
- Classification of Multiple Annotator Data Using Variational Gaussian Process Inference
- Segment-level pyramid match kernels for the classification of varying length patterns of speech using SVMs
ThuD03: Medical Image and Signal Processing - II
- fMRI Time-Series Clustering Using a Mixture of Mixtures of Student's-t and Rayleigh Distributions
- Detection of Neovascularization Near the Optic Disk Due to Diabetic Retinopathy
- Combined Matching Pursuit and Wigner-Ville Distribution Analysis for the Discrimination of Ictal Heart Rate Variability
- Histopathological Image Classification Using Random Binary Hashing Based PCANet and Bilinear Classifier
- Glaucoma Diagnosis by Means of Optic Cup Feature Analysis in Color Fundus Images
- Fetal ECG Subspace Estimation Based on Cyclostationarity
ThuD04: Radar and Sonar Array
- MIMO Radar Waveform Design for Transmit Beampattern Synthesis
- Distributed PLKF Using Delayed Information Sharing for 3D AOA Target Tracking
- Fall Motion Detection Using Combined Range and Doppler Features
- Ship Detection Using SAR and AIS Raw Data for Maritime Surveillance
- Low-Complexity Weighted Pseudolinear Estimator for TDOA Localization with Systematic Error Correction
- Exploiting Persymmetry for Adaptive Detection in Distributed MIMO Radar
ThuD05: Poster IX
- Conjugate Priors For Gaussian Emission pLSA Recommender Systems
- Detection and Localization of Objects in Passive Millimeter Wave Images
- A Fixed-Point Algorithm for Estimating Power Means of Positive Definite Matrices
- Automatic Pigment Identification on Roman Egyptian Paintings by using Sparse Modeling of Hyperspectral Images
- Secure matching of Dutch car license plates
- LMS Estimation of Signals defined over Graphs
- Discrete Bessel Functions for Representing the Class of Finite Duration Decaying Sequences
- Signal and System Spaces with Non-Convergent Sampling Representation
- Error Characterization of Duty Cycle Estimation for Sampled Non-Band-Limited Pulse Signals With Finite Observation Period
- Backtesting expected shortfall with a skewed exponential power distribution in electricity markets
- Nonlinear Blind Source Separation for Chemical Sensor Arrays Based on a Polynomial Representation
- New robust algorithms for sparse non-negative three-way tensor decompositions
- Combining the Glottal Mixture Model (GLOMM) with UBM for Speaker Recognition
- Detecting pedestrians in surveillance videos based on Convolutional Neural Network and Motion
- Robust Visual Tracking Using Dynamic Feature Weighting Based on Multiple Dictionary Learning
- Image Denoising via Group Sparse Eigenvectors of Graph Laplacian
- Canonical polyadic decomposition of hyperspectral patch tensors
Friday, September 2
Friday, September 2, 09:00 - 10:00
FriA01: Plenary Talk
Future Video Coding
Room: Ballroom
Professor Thomas Wiegand
TU Berlin, Germany
Friday, September 2, 10:30 - 12:30
FriB01: Trends in Robust Statistics: Theory and Applications in Signal and Image Processing
- On Scatter Matrix Estimation in the Presence of Unknown Extra Parameters: Mismatched Scenario
- Block Majorization-Minimization algorithms for low-rank clutter subspace estimation
- Adaptive LASSO based on joint M-estimation of regression and scale
- An M-estimator for robust centroid estimation on the manifold of covariance matrices: performance analysis and application to image classification
- An Approach to Joint Sequential Detection and Estimation with Distributional Uncertainties
- Fast and robust detection of a known pattern in an image
FriB02: Towards Next-Generation Radar Systems: Adaptivity, Agility, and Reliability
- Cognitive Tracking in IEEE 802.22 Symbiotic Radars
- Cognitive MIMO Radars: An Information Theoretic Constrained Code Design Method
- Worst-Case Jamming Signal Design and Avoidance for MIMO Radars
- Reliability Problems and Pareto-Optimality in Cognitive Radar
- A Novel Narrowband Interference Suppression Method for OFDM Radar
- Design of Multiple Unimodular Waveforms With Low Auto- and Cross-Correlations for Radar via Majorization-Minimization
FriB03: Information Forensic
- Face Photo-Sketch Recognition using Local and Global Texture Descriptors
- Detection of Double AVC/HEVC Encoding
- A Non-speech Audio CAPTCHA Based on Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
- Video Alignment for Phylogenetic Analysis
- Botnet Identification in Randomized DDoS Attacks
- Unpredictability Assessment of Biometric Hashing Under Naive and Advanced Threat Conditions
FriB04: Machine Learning - II
- Maximum Margin Binary Classifiers using Intrinsic and Penalty graphs
- Online Churn Detection on High Dimensional Cellular Data using Adaptive Hierarchical Trees
- A Unified Bayesian Model of Time-frequency Clustering and Low-rank Approximation for Multi-channel Source Separation
- Joint Tensor Compression for Coupled Canonical Polyadic Decompositions
- Adaptive Hierarchical Space Partitioning for Online Classification
- Tomographic Reconstruction Using a New Voxel-Domain Prior and Gaussian Message Passing
FriB05: Speech Processing - III
- Speech Enhancement for Hearing-Impaired Listeners using Deep Neural Networks with Auditory-Model Based Features
- Cascade processing for speeding up sliding window sparse classification
- Noise-Robust Detection of Whispering in Telephone Calls Using Deep Neural Networks
- Novel Deep Autoencoder Features for Non-intrusive Speech Quality Assessment
- Acoustic Feature Prediction from Semantic Features for Expressive Speech using Deep Neural Networks
- Multi-output RNN-LSTM for multiple speaker speech synthesis and adaptation
FriB06: Poster X
- A minimum variance filter for continuous-discrete systems with additive-multiplicative noise
- Recursive Functional Link Polynomial Filters: an Introduction
- An exemplar-based HMM framework for nonlinear state-space models
- Distributed Labelling of Audio Sources in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks using Consensus and Matching
- Decentralizing Multi-cell Maximum Weighted Sum Rate Precoding via Large System Analysis
- A Low-Cost Digital Self-Interference Cancellation Structure for Full-Duplex Communications
- Approximate ML estimator for compensation of timing mismatch and jitter noise in TI-ADCs
- Full-rate general rank beamforming in single-group multicasting networks using non-orthogonal STBC
- Robust Time-of-Arrival Self Calibration with Missing Data and Outliers
- Two-Way Beamforming Optimization for Full-Duplex SWIPT Systems
- Sparse Channel Estimation Based on a Reweighted Least-Mean Mixed-Norm Adaptive Filter Algorithm
- Filtering Smooth Altimetric Signals Using a Bayesian Algorithm
- Near-End Listening Enhancement by Noise-Inverse Speech Shaping
- Automatic localization of gas pipes from GPR imagery
- Sparse decomposition of the GPR useful signal from hyperbola dictionary
- Distance Estimation for Marine Vehicles Using a Monocular Video Camera
- On the use of Auto-Regressive Modeling for Arrhythmia Detection
- On Fractional Delay Interpolation for Local Wave Field Synthesis
- Keypoint detection in RGBD images based on an efficient viewpoint-covariant multiscale representation
- Interpolation-based Image Inpainting in Color Images Using High Dimensional Model Representation
- Combining Feature-based and Model-based Approaches For Robust Ellipse Detection
- Unsupervised change detection between multi-sensor high resolution satellite images
- Lossless Intra Coding in HEVC with Integer-to-Integer DST
- Piecewise Linear Regression Based On Adaptive Tree Structure Using Second Order Methods
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